Our mission is to create genderless, vegan, comfortable yet versatile apparel that contributes to the Slow Fashion movement.
Purchasing a WAZUAZcollection garment is much greater than simply picking your size from a rack of mass destruction.
Like yourself, you are choosing a unique, one-of-a-kind item. Each article is handmade with love and intention, just for you.
Each of the WAZUAZcollection fabrics we utilize are carefully selected with quality and sustainability in mind. All materials are 100% plant-based and biodegradable. We abide by production methods that focus on waste elimination & our textiles are hand-dyed botanically, often utilizing self-foraged materials.
We thank you and are grateful to be part of this intimate experience that will bring you comfort and joy for years to come.
Botanical Dying Process:
We believe the natural hues we create should not only be pleasurable to the eye but also hold wellness benefits through chromopathy.
Colors palettes are created from a wide range of natural materials such as bark, nuts, flowers, roots, and more. Our textile dying process is detail oriented to ensure rich, lasting washfast and lightfast colors.
The (approximately) 36 hour process consists of washing, scouring, mordanting and then finally dying the fabric.
Variations of hue from garment to garment is to be expected. Which is part of the playful beauty of hand dyed textiles. Colors can shift from dye bath to dye bath based on specific conditions such as temperature and current pH levels of the water. To keep the natural colors as bright as possible, we recommend washing your garments with pH neutral soap.

How to care for you WAZUAZ garments:
To preserve and lengthen color, launder using a pH-NEUTRAL detergent.
Why pH-NEUTRAL detergent?
Most of the botanical dyes we utilize are quite sensitive to unbalanced pH levels. Using highly alkaline (example: washing soda)/highly acidic (example: vinegar) additives will shift the pH balance of the wash. Which may cause the colors of your garment to shift or change entirely.
What is your turnaround time for fulfilling orders?
For small batch wares and goods, orders will be fulfilled within 1-5 business days. In alignment with our ethics to reduce waste, apparel, bags and textile accessories are “made-to-order” and will be shipped within 14 business days. Please reach out through email if you have any questions about your order status.
Where is your shop located?
Stalph is located in rural Attica, Indiana.
How long does it take for orders to arrive AFTER being shipped?
We utilize USPS for shipping majority of our packages. Domestic shipping can take 2-5 business days depending where you are located in the US.
International shipping wI’ll take significantly longer. 3-5 weeks on average.
Tracking numbers are provided through email.
Due to the overwhelming amount of packages moving through USPS, we have noticed a delay with tracking updates. Your patience with USPS is appreciated. Please reach out via email if you have any questions about your order or shipping status.
Why do you create apparel on demand instead of having bulk on hand?
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated there is approximately 16 million tons of textile waste a year generated from America alone. That is 32 billion pounds! To break it down even further: on average, one t-shirt weighs four ounces, so one pound of textile waste is equivalent to four t-shirts. That is a pile of 128 billion T-shirt’s! Of that 32 billion pounds of waste, the EPA estimates that only 15% is being recycled. Only a mere 10% of clothes donated to thrift stores or charities get sold, the rest goes to landfill. This waste is being generated because of the fast fashion movement. Clothes are being made to last a very short amount of time, to encourage buyers to keep on new, ever emerging trends.
“The fashion industry is designed to make you feel “out of trend” after one week. Once upon a time, there were two fashion seasons: Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. Fast forward to 2014 and the fashion industry is churning out 52 “micro-seasons” per year. With new trends coming out every week, the goal of fast fashion is for consumers to buy as many garments as possible, as quickly as possible, as cheap as possible.” – Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion
Sewing apparel on demand is to not participate in this dysfunctional behavior. Our practices ensure that every article of clothing is being made on a per order basis with you in mind, to eliminate waste and excess. We pride ourselves on pristine craftsmanship to ensure garments will last, with proper care.
Why do you only use plant based, natural fabrics?
“Nearly 70 million barrels of oil are used each year to make the world’s polyester fiber, which is now the most commonly used fiber in our clothing. But it takes more than 200 years to decompose.” – Forbes
Considering how stuffed our landfills are with textile waste, we cannot in good conscious contribute to that by using synthetic textiles.
In comparison, plant based fibers will decompose in a short 3-5 months upon their arrival to a landfill. Not only are synthetic fabrics clogging up landfills but 85% of the plastic pollution in the ocean is due to microfibers from synthetic clothing. The synthetic fiber process is extremely harsh on the environment and uses far too many toxins/chemicals for comfort.
Why do you use natural, plant-based fabric dyes?
Farmers in China close to garment factories ‘joke’ about being able to tell what color will be ‘in’ next season by looking at the shade of their rivers.
The fashion industry utilizes over 8,000 synthetic, toxic chemicals to dye and treat garments. These chemicals are poisoning not only the planet, but individuals working within the factories as well.
“Toxic synthetics are apparent throughout the many stages of a garment: from the factory floors where workers are exposed to and breath in their fumes, to the runoff of dyes and corrosive finishing products that flow into our water sources and agricultural systems, to the leaching of poisonous substances into our largest organ–our skin–and deposited into our bloodstream upon every wear.” -Re/Make
The good news, is that by being conscious of what we put ON our bodies, we can reduce exposure to unhealthy chemicals. We choose to treat and dye our textiles with non-toxic, plant based materials for both ethical and health reasons. The process puts us in touch with the natural world and allows us to create playful, sustainable garments.